KFF: 5 States with the Greatest Unmet Need for Primary Care Physicians

  1. Delaware: 16.36% of need met
  2. Missouri: 20.20% of need met
  3. Alaska: 21.84% of need met
  4. Nebraska: 25.73% of need met
  5. New Jersey: 26.93% of need met
Notes: Percent of Need Met is obtained by dividing the number of physicians available by the number of physicians that would be necessary to adequately serve the population (based on a ratio of 3,500 patients to 1 physician for primary care). The average percent of need met in the U.S. is 47.24%.

Source: Kaiser Family Foundation, as of September 30, 2022 - https://www.kff.org/other/state-indicator/primary-care-health-professional-shor…